
optiPoint 410/420 S software features

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Call features

The available features depend on the telephone's application software and the network/system environment. A general feature overview is given below, for a detailed overview of the actual version please refer to optiPoint 410/420 S general information to SIP V6.0.

Call related features may be provided either

  • locally in the phone (e.g. local address book) or
  • network based while interacting with any other standards based phone or proxy (e.g. call hold or call transfer) or
  • centralized when interacting with an application server (e.g. keyset/multi line)

Features can be activated either by

  • selecting an option in the optiGuide menu
  • pressing a (programmable) feature key
  • submitting a feature access code
Please consider:
The available methods depend on the specific feature and the availability of features depends on the SW/FW version.

Local / Network based Call (SIP-)Features

See also Call feature term comparison English/German.

Centralized Call (SIP-)Features

Designed as a standards compliant SIP phone (RFC3261), the optiPoint 410/420 S family can be operated in any SIP compliant environment application servers, proxies).

For the systems listed below:

  • ...additional documentation is available
  • ...additional testing activities have taken place prior to product release
  • ...additional feature are supported

See also