optiPoint 410/420 S factory reset
The Wiki of Unify contains information on clients and devices, communications systems and unified communications. - Unify GmbH & Co. KG is a Trademark Licensee of Siemens AG.
The reset to factory defaults at optiPoint 410/420 S phones can be done by Web-based management and local phone procedure.
By Web-based management
optiPoint 410/420 S all types
Connect to the WBM and login as administrator. Select the item "Reset factory setting" and enter the reset PW 124816.
Note: Since factory settings may differ to the settings used for connecting to the WBM before, you may need to check IP address and L2/L3 settings before you can continue working with the WBM.
By local phone procedure
optiPoint 410/420 S display phones
- Disconnect phone from LAN (only required for netboot < V2.01, PoE devices temporarily need external power supply).
- Lift handset.
- Type in reset code
- Type in reset password
and press the Confirm button
- Replace handset.
- If required, re-connect phone to LAN.
optiPoint 410 entry S
- Disconnect phone from LAN (except PoE).
- Press keys simultaneously
- Press the key
- Type in reset password
- Press the key
- Connect phone to LAN (except PoE).
See also
- optiPoint 410/420 S - the portal page of the telephone family
- optiPoint 410/420 S FAQ - answers to frequently asked questions
- optiPoint 410/420 S interoperability matrix - comparative table of supported platform versions
- optiPoint 410/420 S Release Notes - information about new software features, corrected bugs, known issues
- optiPoint 410/420 S software features - list of local, network and centralized call features
- optiPoint 410/420 S general information to SIP V7.0 - feature overview to SIP V7.0 on optiPoint 410/420 S
- optiPoint 410/420 S general information to SIP V6.0 - feature overview to SIP V6.0 on optiPoint 410/420 S
- optiPoint 410/420 S setup with several Provider - detailed information about Provider specific configuration
- optiPoint 410/420 S upgrade to SIP V6.0 - distinctions while upgrading optiPoint 410/420 S to SIP V6.0
- optiPoint 410/420 S firmware upgrade procedure - procedure description of how to upgrade the firmware
- optiPoint 410/420 S factory reset - this How To describes the procedure of a reset to factory defaults