
optiPoint application module FAQ

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In this optiPoint application module FAQ you find answers to frequently asked questions for the optiPoint application module, subdivided in different subject areas.


How can I increase the brightness of the display?

  1. Access Display settings
  2. Choose Display
  3. Set Backlight slider max on left
  4. Set Contrast slider max on right

What are the RGB values of APM background?

The background of op410/op420/APM implements the color-gradient #BBCCDD to #FFFFFF .
The picture with 24-bit and 12-bit color-depth (used in APM) can be downloaded here: zip.png  APM background picture.

XML application

What is required to run XML applications on the phone?

Simply the phone itself plus the optiPoint application module (since V5 R0.34.0); a webserver, where the application itself resides, and, of course, an IP-connection between the phone and the webserver.

Which telephones support XML applications?

optiPoint 410/420 standard or advance in CorNet-IP version. SIP is currently not supported.

Which Webservers can be used to host XML applications?

Just, anything on the market, like Apache, Microsoft IIS, Tomcat etc. Put the *xml files in the proper directory (e.g. Apache: htdocs)

What settings are needed to configure the phone?

Refer to the How To document Setting up sample XML applications. Applications can be accessed via the "Program" button on the APM.

Can a server application actively push content on the application module?

Yes, that's supported. Further information in XML developers guide.

How to get feed from the webcam installed on the server onto the IP Phone?

An application e.g. java servlet which grabs a frame from the webcam and returns this in a http response is required.To access this image, place a URL which accesses this application on the server in the <Image> tags in the XML, which is then sent to the phone.

Is it possible to get feeds from more than one webcams installed on the same server on the APM of IPPhone?

It has been discovered that you can install multiple webcams on the server, but using an application e.g. java servlet it is not possible to capture an image from more than one webcam which uses the default windows capture drivers. This is only limitation with Windows Operating System and it has not been investigated for other Operating Systems.

The "MaxSize" attribute associated with a PASSWORD text field does not appear to have any effect?

This issue has been recognised as a current limitation and will be addressed in a future optiPoint maintenance upgrade.

Is it possible to display "IppString" directly underneath "IppImage" or "IppButton"?

When trying to display an IppStringItem after an IppImageItem or IppButton directly underneath the image, a space aprox 1cm is inserted between them.To get round this, simply insert a spacer after the image/button with a width of 240 and a height of 1. Then the string item will be displayed directly under the image in the desired way.

Does "X" button send any response to server, when trying to close an XML application using them?

The “X” button or doesn’t send any response to server, so your server side application will not know if the user has closed an application. To overcome this problem try using exit facilities provided by applications e.g."Log Out".

Why does my application keep on pushing data, even if I close application using "X"?

This happens if the push type is "FORCE". To overcome this problem use other feature for closing an application which sends a response to the server to close an application. Alternatively if you use push type "ACTIVE" it will keep pushing data to that particular application, but it will not push data to any other application when that particular application is closed using "X" button.

How can I access website or server from my application?

If you want your application to access an external server or website and is sitting behind a proxy, you need to set the proxy server details. This can be obtained from the network administrator. Also have a look on Configuring a Java/XML proxy.
In java this would be....
System.getProperties( ).put("proxySet","true");
System.getProperties( ).put("proxyHost","proxyHostAddress");
System.getProperties( ).put("proxyPort","proxyPortNumber");
where "proxyHostAddress" and "proxyPortNumber" are variables which could be replaced by real values of host address and port number of proxy.

Is it possible to use IP Phone for printing?

Yes, but only from the printer connected to the server on which the application is running.

How can I use IP Phone for printing purpose?

In an application which provides XML pages to the phone,its necessary to implement the functions to find available printers and send print commands to them.

An external referenced PNG image is not displayed on the phone, but on my computer. What's wrong?

This is because of the use of a proxy to access an external network. Your computer will already have these settings configured which will explain why you can see the image on your computer, however it is likely that the phone does not have the proxy settings.
Please read how about Configuring a Java/XML proxy to input these settings.
In some cases a proxy may require authentication, to avoid having to enter each users authentication details into a phone, or have generic phone proxy account, you can do the following to avoid having to use the proxy settings on the phone.
Creating an image proxy.
You can create an image proxy servlet, which would run on the same server which is running the XML Applications and would also have the network proxy settings configured. The image URL would point to this servlet passing the external image url (must be in PNG image format) as a parameter (for example http://myXMLappServer:8080/getImg?i= ) the servlet could then get the image and write it back to the phone.

See also