
How to set up an OpenStage XML Application

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Follow this step-by-step instructions to set up an example XML application on your OpenStage 60/80. The application will display a weather forecast for a region of your own choice.


For setting up and running the example XML application, you need the following:

  • An OpenStage 60/80 phone with appropriate SIP firmware (version V1R3.x). (Currently, only the SIP variant supports XML applications.)
  • Internet access for the phone, directly or via proxy. Connections to port 8080 over HTTP must be possible.

Set up an XML Application

There are three ways to set up and configure an XML application on an OpenStage phone:

  • Local Phone Menu: The graphical user interface provided by OpenStage 60/80.
  • WBM (Web Based Management): The web interface provided by all OpenStage phones. It allows the user and administrator to configure the phone using a web browser.
  • DLS (Deployment Service): A versatile administration tool for IP phones.

Setup Using the Web Interface (WBM)

  1. Open your web browser and enter the transfer protocol, IP address and port number of your phone. If HTTP is used, port 8085 must be added, for example For HTTPS, the phone uses the standard port (443), for example: If the browser displays a certificate notification, confirm it.
    In the upper right corner of the web page, the phone's call number, IP address, and DNS name are displayed. The left column contains the user menu tree.
    XML apps-screenshot-wbm-homepage.gif

  2. Click on the Administrator Pages tab. In the dialog box, enter the admin password:
    XML apps-screenshot-wbm-admin-login.gif

  3. The administration main page opens. The left column now contains the menu tree. If you click on an item which is printed in normal style, the corresponding dialog opens in the center of the page. If you click on an item printed in bold letters, a sub-menu opens in the right column.
  4. Navigate to Applications > XML applications > Add application and enter the required data.
    XML apps-screenshot-add application.png
    The following settings are required to set up the application:
    1. Display name: Weather
    2. Application name: Weather
    3. Server address:
    4. Server port: 8080
    5. Protocol: http
    6. Program name: WR/WR
    7. Use Proxy: Yes/No (Depends on your internet access configuration; if a proxy is needed, see for pdf.png  Administration Manual OpenStage OpenScape Voice, chapter for instructions)
  5. When the configuration data is correct and complete, click on Submit. Now you can test the Application.

Setup Using the Local Phone Menu

  1. Press the menu key XML apps-operakey menu wp3.jpg repeatedly until the Settings tab is active (the key toggles between the Settings menu, the Applications menu, and the applications currently running).
    The key is located in the mode keys area:

  2. With the TouchGuide, navigate to the Admin menu and press OK.
    XML apps-screenshot-admin.png

  3. You are prompted to enter the administrator password.
    If the password is numeric, just type it using the number keys. On typing the first digit, an input text field will open up.
    For entering non-numeric characters, press the osk-rau.gif key once or repeatedly, depending on the desired character. The osk-rau.gif key cycles around the input modes as follows: (Abc) -> (abc) -> (ABC) -> (123) -> back to start.
    XML apps-screenshot-password.png
    To correct an entry, use this key on the TouchGuide:
    XML apps-touchguide-back.gif

  4. On pressing OK, the admin menu opens. With the TouchGuide, navigate to the Applications item.
    XML apps-screenshot-admin-applications.png
    To navigate, you can either run your finger around the sensor ring, or press the up/down keys:
    XML apps-touchguide-up-down.gif

  5. Press OK to open the Applications item and select XML. On pressing OK again, Add application appears in the context menu.
    XML apps-screenshot-admin-add application.png
    Press OK to open the XML application menu.
  6. In the application menu, enter the data required to access the example application. For each parameter that must be entered, proceed as follows:
    Navigate to the item to be configured and press OK. Use the keypad to enter data. To toggle between character and number modes, press the osk-rau.gif key, as in step 3. To select special characters, press the osk-ast.gif key. To enter a character, select it first by pressing the accordant keypad key as often as necessary. After a short time, the character is accepted in the parameter field. Thus the input procedure is similar to mobile phones. The screenshot shows the data entry in operation:
    XML apps-screenshot-dispkeypad.png
    (For more information about data entry, see the pdf.png  User Manual OpenStage 60-80 SIP)
    The following settings are required to set up the application:
    1. Display name: Weather
    2. Application name: Weather
    3. Server address:
    4. Server port: 8080
    5. Protocol: http
    6. Program name: WR/WR
    7. Use Proxy: Yes/No (Depends on your internet access configuration; if a proxy is needed, see for pdf.png  Administration Manual OpenStage OpenScape Voice, chapter for instructions)
  7. When finished, navigate to Save & exit and press OK.
    XML apps-screenshot-admin-add weather.png

Testing the XML Application

  1. Press the menu key XML apps-operakey menu wp3.jpg once or repeatedly until the Applications tab is active. Weather is available.
  2. Start Weather by pressing OK. If everything went well, you see the start screen of the application.
    XML apps-screenshot-weather.png

See Also