
:OpenStage Phone Book Application

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This page contains an overview about the Phone book application on OpenStage phones.

The OpenStage Phone Book Application is available for OpenStage 60/80 IP phones, and, in a lighter version, for OpenStage 40 IP phones with SIP firmware from V2R1 onwards. Features which are present for SIP only are marked with [SIP], those for HFA only with [HFA].

For Users

With the personal phone book on the OpenStage 60/80 phone, you can ...

  • Enter up to 1.000 personal contacts with different telephone numbers
  • Combine contacts into groups
  • Add a picture to favorite contacts

With the personal phone book on the OpenStage 40 phone, you can enter up to 100 personal contacts.

All operations can be done locally at the phone or via OpenStage Manager; with the OpenStage 40, the phone book can also be edited by the WBM (Web Based Management).

For incoming calls, the phone book data is used to display the name, number, and, if applicable, picture for matching entries. For outgoing calls, alternative call numbers are offered, if applicable.

Phone Book Application at the phone

Usage at the phone

OpenStage 60/80

A new contact is added as follows:

  1. Press ffk phonebook.gif. The "Personal" tab is active (if "Corporate is active, press ffk phonebook.gif anew).
  2. On the TouchGuide, press touchguide-right.gif to open the context menu, and select "New contact" with touchguide-ok.gif.
  3. To enter the last name, for instance, press touchguide-ok.gif on the TouchGuide. The display keyboard keypad opens up.
  4. Within the editor, use the key numbers or the sensor wheel for selecting numbers, characters, or groups of characters. The touchguide-back.gif key deletes one character in the input field, and the touchguide-right.gif key moves the cursor to the "OK" field. For detailed information on using the display keyboard, please refer to the User Guide.
OpenStage 40

Administration at the phone

Phone Book Application and OpenStage Manager

Phone Book Application and Backup/Restore

See also