
OpenStage Gate View FAQ

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Revision as of 09:57, 16 August 2012 by Fh24795 (talk | contribs) (Is it possible to use cameras from the market, which are not certified by SEN?)
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Frequently asked questions to OpenStage Gate View.


Which cameras are supported by OpenStage Gate View?

Following cameras and Analog/BNC-Adapter have been tested and therefore are fully supported by OpenStage Gate View:

  • Axis 207
  • Axis 207W
  • Axis 209 FD
  • Axis 211
  • Axis 215PTZ
  • Axis M1113
  • Axis 247S Converter

Following cameras have not been tested but are compatible from camera vendors specification announcement:

  • Axis M1031W
  • Axis M1011W
  • All Axis cameras from software version 5.0 or later
  • Hama 00053111
  • Hama 00053104
  • LevelOne FSC-5030
  • LevelOne FCS-1101
  • Panasonic BL-C1
  • Samsung SNC-B2315
  • Samsung SNC-M300
  • Behnke 43.711 (Doorstation incl. Camera)

Note: The recording function for all of those cameras is supported.

  • Baudisch ModularSteel SIP-Doorstation with Video

The camera has to be configured as "other camera", so the Gate View recording functionality won`t be supported.

Relating to the camera`s API description insert following parameters within the Gate View configuration:

STREAM URL -> h t t p://<Kamera-IP>/mjpg/video.mjpg

SNAPSHOT URL -> h t t p://<Kamera-IP>/jpg/image.jpg

Is it possible to use cameras from the market, which are not certified by SEN?

Yes, generic/other cameras should have following specifications:

  • HTTP-Streaming
  • MJPEG as the video format.
  • 12 frames per second or less.
  • Resolution of 320x240 pixels.

Restriction: The recording function won`t be supported for generic/other cameras.

  • Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: /apps/bin/gs: No such file or directory convert: no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/magick-17934J7V73_o1NWim' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/555. convert: no images defined `/apps/apache2.4/htdocs/expwiki_p/htdocs/images/tmp/transform_cdb2a9d5ea82.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3149.

Which phones are supported by OpenStage Gate View?

  • Openstage 60 HFA
  • Openstage 80 HFA
  • Octophon 660 HFA
  • Octophon 680 HFA

Which OpenStage HFA SW is supported?

OpenStage Gate View supports all software releases from V2R0.48.0 (available via Partner Portal portal). The latest SW version is recommended to leverage the latest enhancements

Are there any limitations for the door opener function (entrance telephone)?

Yes, refer to the admin manual. Please find a configuration example for OSO MX in the enhanced PDF-file.

What happens after Phone SW update ?

Immediately after OpenStage phone SW update, the video-SW is not installed on the phones. OpenStage Gate View will install/update the video SW and key programmings on the phones within a timeframe of about 10 minutes after the phone-SW update. (independent on manual update, Update via DLS, Update via DLI of OpenScape Office). No need to touch the phone.

Which languages are implemented?

The OpenStage Gate View Web-based Management is available in German, English, French, Italien, Dutch, Portugiese and Spanish dependant on the Browser language. There is no additional language support required for the OpenStage-Phones. The key naming for “Video on/off” , “Permanent Video on/off” and "Recording" button is individual by programming via Web Based Management.

Are any OpenStage Gate View licenses needed?

  • For the plug PC: No.
  • For OSO MX, HX, LX: One license per Webcam is required. (max 2 licenses for OSO MX, max 8 licenses for OSO HX,LX)

How can I check the boot process of the Plug PC?

The status of the plug PC is indicated by two LEDs.

  • Blue LED lights up: The PC plug is connected to the power supply.
  • Red LED lights up: The PC plug is not operational, e.g., during startup.
  • Red LED flashes red/green: The Plug PC is ready for use.

The video doesn`t appear on the OpenStage phone. What can I do?

Proceed following steps: 1. Check the video of the camera directly. The camera`s WBM allows to see the video in your browser. 2. Check the video within the WBM of the Plug PC. You get access to the camera by setting the right camera type and the correct User/password of the camera administration. 3. Check if the video SW and key programmings are transferred to the openStage phone. Deinstall the Openstage and reinstall it.

Installation & configuration

How can I upgrade the OpenStage Gate View-SW on plug PC?

The latest SW is available via SWS.

  • Update your existing V2 SW: Please download Gate View-SW and install via Gate View WBM.
  • Upgrade from V1 to V2: Please download (Gate View-SW)and (firmware). First install the Gate View SW, then firmware. Refer to admin manual.

I do not know the IP-Address of the Plug PC

The Default IP address is Network mask: The administrator has to take care for documentation and information in case of changing the IP address.

How is the procedure for a factory reset of the plug PC?

If a Plug PC`s IP address is not known anymore or User/Password is not known anymore or a plug PC has to be downgraded to a previous version the system can be set back via fallback/system restore procedure. Follow the instruction below:

  • Download from SWS for the desired version.
  • Extract with relative path the contents of the to a USB flash drive with file system FAT32. The outcome will be to have in the USB root a directory named “Gateview”
  • Plug out the OpenStage Gate View Plug PC from the power supply.
  • Plug in the USB flash into the USB slot of the OpenStage Gate View Plug PC.
  • Plug in the power supply
  • Wait for 15 minutes.
  • Plug out and plug in the power supply.
  • The system will come up with default IP (

What are the requirements on the LAN network setup (VLANs, delay, subneting, etc.)?

There are no special requirements to the LAN. Gate View can run perfectly in the same environment as the IP-Phones. The videostream from the camera to the Plug PC takes up to 1 Mbit/sec depending on the type of camera. The videostream from the Plug PC to the openStage phone takes about 1 Mbit/sec.

Auto Discovery does not show anything. What can I do ?

If the "Auto discovery" doesn't work, check if

  • DNS Server is defined correctly (do not define a DNS Server, if you don't have an internet connection)
  • the IP-address is correct
  • the Gateway is correct

Auto-Discovery does not show all Openstage Phones in the network

This can happen, if the standard password for admin has been changed. Gate View uses the Admin-PW to identify the phones and retrieve data from it. If you want to find and install the OpenStage phones via Gate View, the standard PW has to be reestablished.

Does Gate View use XML application feature on OpenStage phones?

No, Gate View application is a separate application that does not make use of XML API of the OpenStage phones nor does is uses any other Phone APIs.

Can the openStage phone be used during the video is displayed ?

Yes. The Videostream and the phone-application does not interfere.

How is the name of the iPhone app?

OpenStage Gate View.

Can the iPhone be used to open the door?

Yes. If the iPhone is called from the door station at fist it will answer the call. Most of the door stations are controlled by DTMF. So the user can open the door by typing the door opener code. (sends specific DTMF tones to the door station). This procedure is independent of using the iPhone app in order to show the video stream.

Can the iphone app be started in parallel to a voice call?

Most of the providers allow parallel voice and data applications just in 3G-networks. So if a iPhone user receives and answers a call he cannot start the iPhone app in case of beeing in a 2G-network.