
OpenScape Desk Phone CP - UC Integration

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OpenScape UC Integration for OpenScape Desk Phone CP400/CP600/600E

03 OpenScape UC.gif

Important: The OpenScape UC integration for OpenScape Desk Phone CP400/CP600/600E is supported with SIP version V1 R6 and later.

As of SIP Software V1 R6, Unify integrates OpenScape UC into the OpenScape Desk Phone CP400 / 600 and 600E.

It seamlessly syncs your desktop phone into the world of Unified Communications by keeping your presence, your preferred device and contacts, and call history up to date.

It is possible to see at a glance whether your phone is currently available for incoming calls.

It is also possible to view and control the presence status from the telephone. With appropriate rules, this can be coupled with the preferred device.

The phone will be kept in sync with the OpenScape UC call list and contacts at all times. Phone calls are recorded here as well as conversations that are conducted on other preferred devices, such as OpenScape Mobile, the mobile phone or the soft client.

The call log and contacts are combined into lively conversations by applying the modern conversation rules based on Unify Circuit.

Messages on the voice recorder are signaled in the same way on all devices. All you have to do is to listen to the message on a device. The message will then be displayed as read on all devices.

The following vides show the setup and the usage of OpenScape UC at your phone.

Setup of OpenScape UC at the CP400/600/600E

You can set up the OpenScape UC data on the phone in two different ways. Either directly on the phone or conveniently via the Web Based Management of the phone.

The shown video below shows both variants. You can find one video for each variant in the video download section.

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Video Download

Thw videos can be downloaded for free from the WIKI without a license fee.

Video Setup Phone und WBM Setup at Phone Setup with WBM
File Setup UC at the phone - complete Setup UC at the phone - Phone Setup UC at the phone - WBM

OpenScape UC Integration in das CP400/CP600/600E

Wir gehen hier davon aus, dass UC auf dem CP Telefon eingerichtet ist. Diese Videos zeigen nun ein paar Beispiele, wie OpenScape UC zusammen mit dem Tischtelefon sie bei der täglichen Arbeit unterstützt und die Bedienung vereinfacht.

Dazu werden werden folgende Themen anhand von Beispielen behandelt:

  • Präsenzstatus
  • Bevorzugtes Gerät
  • Kontakte
  • Konversationslisten
  • Anrufbeantworter
  • Kopplung Präsenzstatus und bevorzugtes Gerät

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Der hier gezeigte Film alle Themen. Sollte nur ein Thema interessant sein, so ist in der Sektion des Video Downloads je ein Film pro Thema abgelegt.

Video Download

Die Videos stehen zum Download zur Verfügung und können von der WIKI lizenzfrei geladen werden:

UC Integration Gesamt Einleitung Präsenzstatus Bevorzugtes Gerät Kontakte Konversationen Anrufbeantworter Statuskopplung
Video UC Integration am Telefon Komplett Einleitung zur UC Integration Präsenzstatus am Telefon Bevorzugtes Gerät einstellen Kontakte synchronisieren Konversationen Anrufbeantworter Statuskopplung