
OpenScape Cordless IP V2 Call Features with different platforms

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Call Feature OpenScape Voice OpenScape Business OpenScape 4000
outgoing/incoming calls tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
Calling Line Identity Presentation (CLIP) tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
Calling Name Presentation (CNIP) tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
hold – including music on hold while a caller is waiting tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
consult tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
toggle tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
3-party conference tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
Distinctive Ringing (internal/external calls) - SIP based tick.gif tick.gif --
internal/external call ringer differentiation (device based) tick.gif tick.gif --
Message Waiting Indications for Voice Mails -- -- --
Group Calls tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif ONS- Parallel Ringing
Call forwardings (busy/no reply/unconditional) station controlled tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
Attended / unattended transfer tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
2nd line / Call Waiting tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
Call Pickup Group tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
Call completion tick.gif -- --
ringer tone mute by incoming calls tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
call reject tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
time and date display at idle screen tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
missed call list for incoming calls on a free DECT handset, including MWI signaling tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
received call list tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
DTMF transmission (RFC 2833 based) tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
LDAP Access via DECT handset tick.gif tick.gif via LDAP is access to the OpenScape directory service possible tick.gif
SIP via UDP/TCP/TLS tick.gif tick.gif tick.gif
Featurecodes including * and # tick.gif -- some features only