
How to configure Plug&Play

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Plug &Play (P&P) is a part of the Feature Easy Client installation. This feature permits that ODC is installed and configured without any user intervention. With P&P, ODC will search by his database in DLS on first initialization.

To configure this feature,refer to the following steps:

1. Make sure that the subscriber does not exist in DLS. Go to IP Devices > IP Device Management > IP Device Configuration.

Make a search and verify if the subscriber exists. If so, delete it.

2.To create the new subscriber, change the visualization to search (to be sure that this subscriber will not inherit anything from an existing subscriber). Create the new subscriber in button New. Fill the E164 parameter with E164 number of this subscriber (the same number of subscriber in OSV). Mark the fields Active Plug&Play and Delete after Plug&Play.

3. Now this device can be configured as any other in DLS. Set the mandatory parameters in Gateway, under IP Devices > IP Client Configuration > Gateway/Server


* SIP Registrar tab
* Registrar Address
* User ID (if digest enabled)
* Password (if digest enabled)
* Realm (if digest enabled)
* License tab
* Server under OpenScape Client License / Opticlient 130 HFA License (yes, it is a bug)

4. If the protocol in OSV is not UDP, it must to be changed under IP Devices > IP Client Configuration > Signaling and Payload Encryption (SPE)

5. This step is necessary only to P&P works with name resolution. If P&P will work with E164, it is not necessary and you can proceed with the next step.

Configure the association between domain\account and E164 number used in step 2. Go to Administration > Server Configuration > P&P Settings under IP Client Mapping Configuration tab.

6. On the DLS side, job is finished. Now, let’s configure the ODC. Make sure that there is no database to this ODC. Erase the entire folder OpenScape, under %appdata%\Siemens. (or %appdata\Roaming\Siemens in Win7)

7. Now, set the ODC to search the Database in DLS via registry (if you are installing the ODC, you can set this step via installer)

Set the keys:

* DLSServer (IP address of DLS)
* UseDLS (1 to use DLS)
* DLSE164Mode (1 to P&P works with E164 number, otherwise, P&P will works with domains\windows account)

8. Start the ODC and fill the requested parameters. Profile name is anyone you want. Call Number is the number that you set in step 2.

If in the step 7 you left the DLSE164Mode empty, ODC will not ask by Call Number.

9. Load the ODC. If all configurations are set, ODC will search by database in DLS and will load with this information.