Entwicklerprogramm OpenScape Voice
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OpenScape Voice OpenScape UC
Integration Connectors OpenScape 4000 OpenStage Deployment Service
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie hilfreiche Links zu Informationen über die verschiedenen offenen Schnittstellen von OpenScape Voice.
Zu den OpenScape Voice-Schnittstellen für die Anrufsteuerung zählen SIP für Einzelplatzlösungen (First Party Call Control) und CSTA für Mehrplatzlösungen (Third Party Call Control). Die Administrationsschnittstellen basieren auf SOAP/XML und ermöglichen es Anwendungen, bei OpenScape Voice den Inhalt der System-, Teilnehmer- und Umwandlungsdatenbank abzufragen sowie für die Schnittstelle Benutzer bereitzustellen und Funktionen zu verwalten.
Unter folgenden Links finden Sie alle Entwicklerressourcen zu den einzelnen Schnittstellen.
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Diese QSIG-Schnittstellenspezifikation beschreibt die OpenScape Voice-Unterstützung von QSIG einschließlich einfacher Anrufe, allgemeiner Funktionen, ergänzender Services und PICS.
OpenScape_Voice V7, QSIG Schnittstellenspezifikation
OpenScape Voice V6, QSIG Schnittstellenspezifikation
OpenScape Voice V5, QSIG Schnittstellenspezifikation
SIP-Schnittstelle zu Telefonen
Dieses Dokument enthält eine Spezifikation zur SIP-Client-Schnittstelle. Über diese Schnittstelle kommunizieren Clients (z. B. Tisch- und Schnurlostelefone, Soft Clients usw.) per SIP mit einem OpenScape Voice SIP-Server von Unify.
OpenScape Voice V7, SIP zu Telefon Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V6, SIP zu Telefon Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V5, SIP zu Telefon Schnittstellenbeschreibung
SIP-Schnittstelle zu Serviceanbietern
Dieses Dokument enthält eine Beschreibung der SIP-Schnittstelle zwischen einem OpenScape Voice-System und einem Serviceanbieter. Die Serviceanbieterschnittstelle kann entweder nur für den Zugriff auf das öffentliche Telefonnetz genutzt werden oder auch für eine SIP-Verbindung über den Serviceanbieter zu Teilnehmern in anderen Zweigstellen desselben Unternehmens oder in anderen Unternehmen.
OpenScape Voice V7, SIP zu SP Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V6, SIP zu SP Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V5, SIP zu SP Schnittstellenbeschreibung
CSTA Interface
The CSTA interface provides a standard abstraction layer for telecoms applications. Below you will find the interface specifications and a SDK help you get creating CSTA apps in no time.
For more information on the CSTA please check out the CSTA overview presentation below:
CSTA introduction and overview
Interface Manual
OpenScape Voice V7, CSTA Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V6, CSTA Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V5, CSTA Schnittstellenbeschreibung
The OpenScape Voice Server CSTA-SDK provides a set of API’s to help simplify the development of Java based applications to control the OpenScape Voice server call control capabilities through the use of CSTA. It provides simple API's to access the most used call control features exposed in the OSV CSTA Interface. The OSV Server CSTA-SDK connects directly to the OpenScape Voice server via raw TCP.
The zip file below has been created for download to a development environment and contains the jar file as well as a self contained HTML documentation package created from Javadoc. The documentation explains also how the users can link the Javadoc documentation directly to their IDE to utilize it during coding.
CSTA SDK 1.3.2 What’s new on this version
Call Detail Recording Interface
This Document provides an overview of Call Detail Recording (CDR) for OpenScape Voice, its function and its features.
Call Detail Records (CDR) are a collection of information for each call that is processed by OpenScape Voice. More complex call scenarios such as transfer, conference, networking, and other OpenScape Voice features may produce multiple CDRs. This information is collected in order to:
Track bill-back accounting (for extension, department, division, or company) Track and identify special common carrier services (track telephone numbers and call duration to specific locations) Track client or user identification (for example, account numbers) Track system traffic for analysis (call patterns and other routing information) Track and identify call abuse (unauthorized calls) Track calls for different states (answered, unanswered, rejected) and call scenarios (transfer, call forward, callback, and so on).
Overview Presentation
Accounting and Call Detail Recording Overview
Interface Manual
OpenScape Voice V7, CDR Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V6, CDR Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V5, CDR Schnittstellenbeschreibung
SOAP/XML Subscriber Provisioning Interface
Subscriber provisioning is the management of subscriber data on the OpenScape Voice server, which is managed by a component referred to as the SOAP Server.
The SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Server is an integrated component of the OpenScape Voice system whose function is to handle provisioning requests for subscriber, endpoint, and business group data, including the creation, deletion, modification, and display of these entities and their associated features, or services. The SOAP Server expects SOAP/XML requests conforming to the SOAP Server WSDL (Web Services Definition Language) file, which is included as a product deliverable and is made available to external interface partners. In particular, the OpenScape Voice Assistant uses this interface to transmit provisioning requests from the user to the OpenScape Voice system.
Web SDK Programming Overview
Interface Manual
OpenScape Voice V7, SOAP/XML Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V6, SOAP/XML Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V5, SOAP/XML Schnittstellenbeschreibung
WSDL Files
SNMP and MIB Description
This document lists the SNMP Traps generated by the OpenScape Voice system via the OpenScape Voice Assistant. The system generates traps to alert management stations that important events have been detected. The OpenScape Voice supports the SNMP v2 trap format. Many of the faults the system generates are derived from these SNMP traps.
Interface Manual
OpenScape Voice V7, SNMP und MIB Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V6, SNMP und MIB Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V5, SNMP und MIB Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OSV Assistant API
The administration of the OpenScape Voice system is done by the OpenScape Voice Assistant, a web based administration interface. Because there are service and customer scenarios where automatic changes of special OpenScape Voice settings are required by ’foreign’ applications, the OpenScape Voice Assistant also offers a web services interface called OpenScape Voice Assistant API.
This API provides a WSDL (Web Service Description Language) file describing all possible operations and all data structures used.
API Description
OpenScape Voice V7, Assistant API Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V6, Assistant API Schnittstellenbeschreibung
OpenScape Voice V5, Assistant API Schnittstellenbeschreibung
In case you miss a specific version of any document, please contact developerprogram@unify.com