The Wiki of Unify contains information on clients and devices, communications systems and unified communications. - Unify GmbH & Co. KG is a Trademark Licensee of Siemens AG.
Technical Report 069 (TR-069) is a protocal specification by the Broadband Forum that describes the communication over an IP based network between customer premises equipment (CPE) and auto configuration servers (ACS). It is a bi-directional protocol based on HTTP and SOAP which provides the functionality of configuration and software management of CPE.
Functionality supported by the Desk Phone CP family
The following actions can be performed via the ACS
- configuration
- software update
- reboot
- factory reset
The following is a list of supported XML-RPC methods
- GetRPCMethods
- GetParameterNames
- GetParameterValues
- SetParameterValues
- SetParameterAttributes
- GetParameterAttributes
- Download
- Reboot
- FactoryReset
General hints regarding the behavior of the device
- One a single ACS address can be configured at a time
- The Desk Phone CP only supports 1 VoiceProfile
- Configuration parameters set via TR-069 can be overwritten via local admin menu or web based management.
The Desk Phone CP can be configured with an ACS address via local admin menu, web based management, Cloud Deployment (see: Zero_Touch_Deployment) or DHCP (see TR-069 Amendment 5, section 3.1).
Generic Configuration Items
All items are available via admin menu, Network -> Update Service -> ACS
Item | Description |
ACS server address | The address of the ACS in the format of "https://<IP-OR-FQDN>:<PORT>" |
ACS Username | The username that will be used for Basic Authentication with the ACS |
ACS Password | The password that will be used for Basic Authentication with the ACS |
Periodic Inform enabled | Enable or Disable periodic inform mechanism |
Periodic Inform interval | The interval between single inform requests with the ACS |
ACS HTTP requests enabled | Enable or Disable the possibility for the ACS to send connection requests via HTTP |
ACS STUN enabled | Enable or Disable TR-069 Amendment 5 Annex G (STUN) for managing the device behind NAT |
The following items can only be configured via Cloud Deployment or ACS
Item | Description |
ACS server CA certificate 1 | CA certificate for validating the connection with the ACS server |
ACS server CA certificate 2 | Alternative CA certificate for validating the connection with the ACS server |
ACS client certificate | Client certificate for authentication with the ACS server |
ACS client key | Client key for authentication with the ACS server |
Default client certificate
Without a specific client certificate and key installed, the Desk Phone CP device will use a default certificate and key to authenticate itself to the ACS (if required)
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEVTCCAj2gAwIBAgIIQYoit0fpDEgwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwTDELMAkGA1UE BhMCREUxDTALBgNVBAoTBEF0b3MxDDAKBgNVBAsTA1VDQzEgMB4GA1UEAxMXRGV2 aWNlcyBNVExTIERlZmF1bHQgQ0EwIBcNMTgwMTAxMDAwMDAwWhgPMjA2NzEyMzEy MzU5NTlaMEkxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkRFMQ0wCwYDVQQKEwRBdG9zMQwwCgYDVQQLEwNV Q0MxHTAbBgNVBAMTFERldmljZXMgTVRMUyBkZWZhdWx0MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAw6m0RV0v13E1mROcfrqiKOaQ/AXZK9QGKTO46pBG IIGIqz75ZL0E9Jp2e8+fVNFJrJNtwBofIYoXGQoMNtVy60uq3WTR9OEBjvCuYEOO pul6FmtBEJ6btxMWs89pardcdGV4OcFzTg1oAzOhpx7v/FUj9bIkxH+RQcwsuhc/ SVRycQp31ovWIHAPGeEkppvmWNhEULp1hw78oUWJ0TmEBi14jBJRz6iOKwk30Qso P0pr0k76z357/qnlMHezGN58X3LZjQWihiWfIGxwGvsBM/X0+rkq9u79vWHbnneB /LaicP3PctTIl46npxmH2psFqWLIw4RKDF91l4GUOtCMoQIDAQABozwwOjAMBgNV HRMBAf8EAjAAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBS2F5bTTXj2TTLADGcTXOz28mAEzzALBgNVHQ8E BAMCBLAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBADteJ+uvi3HyINguDUKAKH27QcuC2Ip0 q6hj36tshh0XfxO59ma8/ZpgWaRrZIVJAnPVD4VN8MCoH45oqAI+ALg6mJpqDKFJ oMULMKFNxjnqU6Nk1H9SCXBdxN5zD/lWlMnabYZm9nQicsPQtp8J/ATDT6qSmhp+ V9ka7cBb3WzFt0tcEdMdyapM/zYLFhfBe2ei9ixiKccaJeBvRTpZ2gpamQqLykL7 hMhrpdPnq5fWq3AEFeqMC+/HXZGX5xZ0FdiajSBs6P7npcaKoqA4vI9q7bPgwj5e LcwWMU97SnahmaM7RV6384TbVYTZS/vLC1LmHy+Wz6GNZGVMrZDawQEh7c49NJtJ WSLwoBlQhberABUKk6VvJRmT+Qebb3/Bq9xJvtOD6gR/zgdO90HwfBQ/tU8v8KOv U9XQb/nBwenObY5DMjogGk1xs3SniToqgXakOVLdGxLz5z2F/K5BQEniEfE8ku8U DE6UYh+g8D1m1Ua3zJSce2o5FjUjtSV5/dj6Ql2/qZoV7WCiojDZ8lYVpNBhb3c6 wZTvrRCx86A6UjzqQBomEmOTygqVuJaHR0iHCARr+kPreUj8WXsvePM52w5GsXTP YHbz/nrR0NUINqNGDE3JLKblN0yN92TQC8oYrCBuDONCVG1Wf7OCFgU6xGc7welt Av0dZokGCuLi -----END CERTIFICATE-----
It has been signed by the following CA.
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFWzCCA0OgAwIBAgIIMDxi61kQHl4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwTDELMAkGA1UE BhMCREUxDTALBgNVBAoTBEF0b3MxDDAKBgNVBAsTA1VDQzEgMB4GA1UEAxMXRGV2 aWNlcyBNVExTIERlZmF1bHQgQ0EwIBcNMTgwMTAxMDAwMDAwWhgPMjA2NzEyMzEy MzU5NTlaMEwxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkRFMQ0wCwYDVQQKEwRBdG9zMQwwCgYDVQQLEwNV Q0MxIDAeBgNVBAMTF0RldmljZXMgTVRMUyBEZWZhdWx0IENBMIICIjANBgkqhkiG 9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA4d8cBLr17kBUPpZMyX1fdWiWgoYmMsAsGcgl IHiVaY5fXICjmqa090j52WEsDp7gytI2PPDqdg1rYP34PCs+p08nFJQXY4k0OQU5 K50+4fa2B0QNeBSjgVAs/GF1nyYPs4ZJY1Kx1C3H2YSNjdQJmDvTi5Dn7RdPeq25 ttLz2xj/jMN3Jb8ptWRTMPNotdmT8m0wiWxHzn4SBB2n8BaHEWpLoEFw9JWjj+AT cnfmP8kwmehDDXJMMWdYEWDQsQYzcgQD4XN6+1tyDk2IP1u5JQhJKaDHzqnklJKT JnCkjulwyQ0BmoBU9Xfpigf+06K8Mgp214ugeTBC+gLFNINKFeErg5T/MXB4neZb pWVR+lx3IRqAOAn2wvrrhpj9Z8hlbZwh4vRNgoCw3x3sJK79o+lRqth7oEsnCWuI zDTkoBlHjcEiKtwJmH9eG4DL1IIMFhMVWltRsW27gf4wsxTyseGNZoq70O0Tsr4L gSQhoxkX64zm+bKAQoCqe9W3aPeDZcrKCuhZmTKG13B/uxNRW9+EoXj0m8WE+4be GU3lYDy0pgWvrnC0kdSfbO4bxflY4rar8RcFCZAC87+g3FzLiCZSIUu0on9TtERB ZsyMVTVUSc5Az4IHeQel3IrKrakVnXpJaw9odfEOyS9pgt7Z3bfgCTvSopPXEauN r3rPZJ8CAwEAAaM/MD0wDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUDhjapNlz W+/a4CNAPx48MQrLNPgwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQDJ /8yHVeXGprG05+LuicUdf7HBZxleb4G8Uoxpc1OVQeY4TwnMtiM1tqO0qUhZSfPs ofjgvIEjfN+t8COp+/fwZR9kL9htiUhat1AQCnd4fj6T0AuNnuEXUiSd5dykcqQr FwaUwNoDasW/lVP8GE3+LHagYTDC3IdMhgQriyeV4dIqd+QgqsBewvs6XpU/zcdu BhIbMu9qiyzm1AN7GKhw6YQ1auWjXzWwIO8ccJ42UDvbf5U/VD03aPXGMI8lMy7I gflLzUzgrDTSc6PGgIZ3qFAhuTzA1/1TTA+yl71kuE0aa4wbycNg2V5D8f1TTzNg igANeB4sBcMEA6Zndr/VwfFoo+IXzDvnV0n/FULRymVGrC3ch/HVcER5yyyYGLHU 4TS+NRm1hUGKhZ5gVzSoP5U94FBzZU4EgC2J/3eW7w3gdjPmaokUV+i1jY0t09kz bE8br2H8hoZGAAzy4MI7FHNLlpQtU/C3GnJ/ej4qnakLRFU/J3gONnvv230mrYPl R4pVx00QZnxAbfkewCRU6r1tNapcQueoHdLBiOg8gMJZ2WQKPpQQaKhACbd7Zyp2 Gw7h7S1i2QErlBqbYU7S8a4mGdq7sG3c/0faWtR9Cr1peLb8jkGVbvEi4zf6/cMB Ojde30l8hogWjOJwRjlKCwbKEmubhlswqvTO11qAPQ== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
TR-069 items supported
The following list of items is supported by the phone via the ACS
TR-069 Item | OCMS Item | R/W | Type | Allowed values |
Manufacturer | --- | R | String | Unify |
ManufacturerOUI | --- | R | String | 001AE8 |
ModelName | device-type | R | String | |
Description | --- | R | String | |
ProductClass | device-type | R | String | |
SerialNumber | mac-address | R | String | |
HardwareVersion | phone-part-number | R | String | |
SoftwareVersion | standard-software-version | R | String | |
EnabledOptions | R | String | ||
AdditionalHardwareVersion | R | String | ||
AdditionalSoftwareVersion | R | String | ||
ProvisioningCode | R/W | String | ||
DeviceStatus | R | Enumeration | Up, Initializing, Error, Disabled | |
UpTime | R | String |
TR-069 Item | OCMS Item | R/W | Type | Allowed values |
URL | acs-server-address | R/W | String | |
Username | acs-username | R/W | String | |
Password | acs-password | R/W | String | |
PeriodicInformEnable | acs-periodic-inform-enabled | R/W | Boolean | |
PeriodicInformInterval | acs-periodic-inform-interval | R/W | unsignedInt | 0:99999 |
HTTPConnectionRequestEnable | acs-http-request-enable | R/W | Boolean | |
ConnectionRequestURL | acs-request-address | R | String | |
ConnectionRequestUsername | acs-request-username | R/W | String | |
ConnectionRequestPassword | acs-request-password | R/W | String | |
NATDetected | R | Boolean | ||
UDPConnectionRequestAddress | R | String | ||
STUNEnable | acs-stun-enable | R/W | Boolean | |
STUNServerAddress | acs-stun-server-address | R/W | String | |
STUNServerPort | acs-stun-server-port | R/W | unsignedInt | 1:65535 |
STUNUsername | acs-stun-username | R/W | String | |
STUNPassword | acs-stun-password | R/W | String | |
STUNMaximumKeepAlivePeriod | acs-stun-max-keepalive | R/W | Int | -1: |
STUNMinimumKeepAlivePeriod | acs-stun-min-keepalive | R/W | unsignedInt | |
CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval | acs-retry-min-wait-interval | R/W | unsignedInt | 1:65535 |
CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier | acs-retry-interval-multiplier | R/W | unsignedInt | 1000:65535 |
UDPConnectionRequestAddressNotificationLimit | acs-conn-req-address-notification-limit | R/W | unsignedInt | 0:3600 |
DefaultActiveNotificationThrottle | acs-default-active-notification-throttle | R/W | unsignedInt | 0:3600 |
TR-069 Item | OCMS Item | R/W | Type | Allowed values |
DefaultGateway | default-gw | R | IP | |
SubnetMask | default-mask | R | IP | |
IPAddress | ipaddress | R | IP | |
MACAddress | mac-address | R | MAC |
TR-069 Item | OCMS Item | R/W | Type | Allowed values |
ProxyServer | reg-addr | R/W | String | |
RegistrarServer | registrar-addr | R/W | String | |
ProxyServerPort | sip-server-port | R/W | unsignedInt | 1:65535 |
RegistrarServerPort | sip-registrar-port | R/W | unsignedInt | 1:65535 |
UserAgentPort | sip-port | R/W | unsignedInt | 1:65535 |
X_UNIFY_Transport | sip-transport | R/W | Enumeration | 0,1,2 (0=UDP, 1=TCP, 2=TLS) |
OutboundProxy | sgnl-gateway-addr-user | R/W | String | |
OutboundProxyPort | sgnl-gateway-port-user | R/W | unsignedInt | 1:65535 |
RegisterExpires | reg-ttl | R/W | unsignedInt | 60:7200 |
X_UNIFY_E164 | e164 | R/W | String | |
X_UNIFY_DisplayIdentity | display-id-unicode | R/W | String | |
X_UNIFY_UseDisplayIdentity | use-display-id | R/W | Boolean | |
X_UNIFY_ConnectionType | sip-connection | R/W | Enumeration | 0,1 (0=Listening, 1=Persistent) |
X_UNIFY_RefreshGuardTime | refresh-guard-time | R/W | unsignedInt | 0:7200 |
X_UNIFY_ServerType | server-type | R/W | Enumeration | 0,1,2,4,5,6 (0=Other, 1=OSV, 2=Broadsoft, 4=HiQ8000, 5=Genesys, 6=Google Voice) |
X_UNIFY_Realm | realm | R/W | String | |
X_UNIFY_SipUserId | sip-user-id | R/W | String | |
X_UNIFY_SipPwd | sip-pwd | R/W | String | |
X_UNIFY_SessionTimer | session-timer | R/W | Boolean | |
X_UNIFY_SessionDuration | session-duration | R/W | unsignedInt | 0:3600 |