The Wiki of Unify contains information on clients and devices, communications systems and unified communications. - Unify GmbH & Co. KG is a Trademark Licensee of Siemens AG.
You can install DHCP either during or after the original installation of Windows Server or Advanced Server. However, there must be a functioning DNS server configured in the environment. This allows active DNS forwarding via DHCP.
To check the DNS server, click Start, then click Run, enter cmd, press the <ENTER> key, enter ping [name displayed for the DNS server in your environment] and then press the <ENTER> key. If the query is unsuccessful, the message "Unknown host [DNS server name]" will be displayed.
To install the DHCP service on an existing Windows Server, proceed as follows:
1. In the Windows Start menu, select Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs and then select the option 'Add/Remove Windows Components.
3. In the Windows Component Wizard, click Networking Services under Components and then click Details.
4. Activate the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) check box if it is not already activated, and then click OK.
5. In the Windows Component Wizard, click Next to start the Windows setup program.
6. Insert the Windows Advanced Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive when you are prompted to do so. The setup program copies the data for the DHCP server and the DHCP tool on to your computer.
7. When setup is complete, click Finish.