OpenStage Manager Release Notes
The Wiki of Unify contains information on clients and devices, communications systems and unified communications. - Unify GmbH & Co. KG is a Trademark Licensee of Siemens AG.
V3 R0.2.0
Implemented Change Requests
- RQ00029793: Selectable Contact Folder for Outlook Sync
- RQ00030753: Support of IP V6
- RQ00033380: Support of Microsoft Outlook 2010
Problems fixed
- I03616: 2REG: User password expiry Before Password Can Be Set
- I04098: IPv6 file transfer fails. Wrong IPv6 address format in URL
- I08314: NA09478300: OL eMail truncated to 35 ch. after sync OL>OS
- I08626: Change copyright to "2007-2012"
- I08641: No E-mail address in OSM&phone after sync OL>OS
- I09186: Dialog "select folder" with 15 seconds delay
- I09190: Exception during sync OL personal folder > OpenStage
- I09344: Tooltip for sync direction
- I09581: OSM GUI DE/EN/CZ alignment
- I11677: Wrong string in german OSCS dialog
- I12275: Dialog "select folder" with 15 seconds delay
- I12278: After sync OL>OS no picture in OSM, OpenStage and Outlook
- I12279: No Outlook contact folder shown
- I12282: English text in IP address tool tip
- I13101: Message string truncated in OSM UI
- I13686: OSM UI flickering during file transfers like sync process
- I13866: No vertical scrollbar in OSCS dialog
V2 R2.8.0
Implemented Change Requests
- none
Problems fixed
- I08314 NA09478300: OL eMail truncated to 35 ch. after sync OL>OS
V2 R2.7.0
Implemented Change Requests
- USB driver for OpenStage 60/80 T (RNDIS driver) V2 R2.5.0
Problems fixed
- H78324 Sync of more than maxEntries=1000 contacts
- H98280 Screensaver/Tone UI blocked after Outlook sync with picture
- H98804 OSM: Exception during config of key "Start application"
- H98931 E-mail address in OSM longer than in phone after sync OL>OS
- I00401 NA08409816: RNDIS blocks TCP/IP connection at Windows 7
- I04884 OSM setup without .NET framework delivery
V2 R2.5.0
Implemented Change Requests
- ---
Problems fixed
- H78059 Problems during OSM update/downgrade
- H90225 Entry field for phonebook search is missing
- H90472 NA07571187: OSM: After LAN reconnect OSCS doesn't reconnect
- H90511 Group name can be longer than 30 characters
- H90516 E-mail address can be longer than 35 characters
- H90517 "Change copyright to ""2007-2011"""
- H90537 Manual sync of contacts between OSM and Outlook fails
- H91385 Exception error on OSM application with .NET Framework
- H91533 Problems during OSM update/downgrade
- H93569 OSM reports sync error during second manual sync of contact
- H93985 Old OSM PDFs and CHMs in setup package
- H95078 OSCS icon goes to green even before handling response
V2 R2.2.0
Implemented Change Requests
- RQ00025532: OpenStage Manager supports the synchronization of pictures stored in Outlook contacts. Automatic Synchronization of Outlook Contacts.
- RQ00026307: OpenStage Manager supports the Automatic Synchronization of Outlook Contacts at adjustable time intervals.
- RQ00031810: OpenStage Manager supports CCE Link Encryption at OpenStage (also supports of OpenStage SIP ≥ V2 R2.17.0).
Problems fixed
- H64405 OSM and OSCS Support Info: New version string
- H67856 Auto sync doesn't work for one-way directions OL>OS or OS>OL
- H67879 Auto sync causes Outlook warning and .NET exception
- H69375 Autosync only starts one time
- H69489 No autosync start after PC restart or OSCS restart
- H69663 Multiple copies in OpenStage PB after autosync
- H75181 Manual sync Outlook->Phone doesn't work
- H75876 Auto sync UI improvements
- H77855 Auto sync icon in task bar, when OSM is running
- H78075 No e-mail address after sync Outlook->Phone
- H78137 High CPU load for minutes during first OSM start and sync
- H78143 Huge memory allocation of OSM and OSCS process
- H78187 MaxUniqueID=9 after sync of 12 contacts
- H78285 New sync default and keep sync settings after OSM update
- H83016 Exception in OSM following OpenStage upgrade to V2R2
- H84027 M3B Connection service disconnects after a few seconds
- H84866 Auto sync "at computer start" instead of "15 minutes"
- H85322 Auto sync interval 30 minutes not saved
- H85324 OSCS UI improvement
V2 R1.3.0
Implemented Change Requests
- RQ00031901: Support of security enhancements for HFA (OpenStage Manager also supports OpenStage HFA ≥ V2 R0.45.0 and OpenStage SIP ≥ V2 R1.16.1)
- N/A: New VeriSign Code Signing (Class 3) certificate: OpenStage Manager setup and RNDIS Driver setup uses a new code signing certificate, which is valid until 20/09/2013.
Problems fixed
- H75998 RNDIS INF file is formatted UNIX-like
- H80822 VeriSign Code Signing (Class 3) certificate for setup
- H83380 RNDIS: Unsigned SYS driver causes security alert
V2 R1.2.0
Implemented Change Requests
- none
Problems fixed
- H67513 RNDIS setup fails at Windows Vista/7 64 bit
- H70862 RNDIS: Wrong version in Programs&Features
- H70905 Wrong format in RNDIS EULA text
- H70914 RNDIS: Unsigned SYS driver causes security alert
- H78462 NA04555318: Sync errors with longer contact entries in OL
V2 R1.1.0
Implemented Change Requests
- RQ00024929: OSM: Support of Windows Vista
- RQ00029146: OSM: Support of V2 R0 Features
Problems fixed
- H42091 OSM: No scrollbars at phonebook window after backup/restore
- H42189 RNDIS driver version missing, publisher SIE => SEN
- H61598 Mobile user connection to Openstage Manager not functional
- H61656 New group not transferred to phone
- H61661 Wrong format in english OSCS license agreement
- H61662 Add "-2009" to Copyright
- H61663 F1 help refers to wrong help section in "Phone Settings"
- H61670 After "Backup" OpenStage prompts with "Refresh directory"
- H61676 Typo in OSCS Settings hints section 3
- H62498 After Phone Settings Import/Export OSM doesn't work
- H62584 No "Ready" after Backup or Restore and "Cancel" for "Escape"
- H62588 During OSM startup "Ready/LoadingFPKdata/Ready" status shown
- H62825 RNDIS setup/uninstall problems on Windows Vista
- H62830 OSM setup security warning on Windows Vista
- H62943 OSM and OSCS Version Info: Correct Vers, Publisher, Contact
V2 R0.2.0
Implemented Change Requests
- RQ00027070: User Data Management (step 1) for OS SIP
Problems fixed
- H43048 OSM: phonebook right mouse menu items copy/paste not working
- H46418 OSM: phonebook entries in editor lost after ringtone changes
- H50678 Message "Ready" at german Windows XP
- H55062 Czech help file is missing
- H56365 T40B: right-click "new group" fails with unhandled exception
- H57359 Czech text "Shift FPKs" overlaps the button size
- H59730 T40B: Exception in OS SIP key configuration with "App:" key
- H59800 Installation License Agreement also in Czech
V1 R4.3.0
Implemented Change Requests
- none
Problems fixed
- H59800 Installation License Agreement also in Czech
V1 R4.2.0
New or changed features
- User Interface Localization for Czech User interface, help and operating manual are available also in Czech.
- Support of Outlook 2007 Step 1 Synchronisation and copy&paste of contacts is possible with Outlook 2007.
V1 R3.5.0
New or changed features
- OpenStage HFA Mobility Feature New file handling because of phone mobility feature (OpenStage HFA V1 R3.3.0 and later).
- Storage Level for OpenStage T For OpenStage T telephones a Storage Level status indicator is displayed.
- Update of Help Files Online-Help and Operating Manual is up-to-date.
- FPK Features Support for SIP V1R5 For Asterisk V1.4 new FPK features have been added: Server feature, BLF, Start Application
- Trademark Information for Displaying License Trademark information added to OpenStage Manager and OpenStage ConnectionService.
V1 R3.3.0
New or changed features
- Setting of Default Ringtone Now a default ringtone can be set by selecting it after uploading.
- Support of New FPK Features New FPK features with ID 58, 59, 60 are supported now.
- Storage Level for OpenStage HFA For OpenStage HFA telephones a Storage Level status indicator is displayed.
V1 R3.1.0
New or changed features
- Language dependant manual in start menu User Manual updated and UI language dependant link added to start menu during installation.
V1 R3.0.12
New or changed features
- General OpenStage 60/80 T Support After installation of attached RNDIS Driver, the OpenStage 60/80 T telephones are supported by OpenStage Manager. See section 11.
- Phone Settings for OpenStage 60/80 T Canonical Dial Settings for OpenStage 60/80 T telephones can be configured via Expert Mode.
- Connection Settings Connection Settings dialog describes the settings for OpenStage 60/80 T.
- CSV Import Add key names like “Geschäftlich” for CSV Import.
- CSV Export CSV files can be exported now.
V1 R3.0.6
New or changed features
- Backup / Restore Bugfixes concerning Backup/Restore.
V1 R3.0.6
New or changed features
- Backup / Restore All unsaved data is saved at backup automatically before backing up. Full user feedback in Backup and Restore in German and English.
- Connection Settings Connection Settings dialog can be set into silent mode.
- Audio Files Besides .wav and .mp3 also .mid (midi) files are allowed for ringtones. Audio files of type .wav are re-formatted to 16000 samples per second, 16 bits per sample, 1 channel.
- Phone Detection When connected to an OpenStage 20 or OpenStage 40 telephone, the OpenStage Manager does not start. It exits with a message.
- Administrator Installation This OpenStage Manager and OpenStage ConnectionService can be installed by an administrator for all users.
- Help New context sensitive help (note that help text is not fully up-to-date).
- Installer User interaction at installation concerning processes that must not be active during installation is simplified.