

The Wiki of Unify contains information on clients and devices, communications systems and unified communications. - Unify GmbH & Co. KG is a Trademark Licensee of Siemens AG.

Revision as of 13:06, 17 January 2011 by Horemu (talk | contribs)
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Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: /apps/bin/gs: No such file or directory convert: no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/magick-41236DkMqGI35245L' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/555. convert: no images defined `/apps/apache2.4/htdocs/expwiki_p/htdocs/images/tmp/transform_eec67cbe6519.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3149.
Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: /apps/bin/gs: No such file or directory convert: no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/magick-41242bw5zczCBSEEO' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/555. convert: no images defined `/apps/apache2.4/htdocs/expwiki_p/htdocs/images/tmp/transform_0ef797bc65b0.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3149.