:HiPath 3000
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The HiPath 3000 communications platform family provides systems for companies from 50 up to 380 subscriber.
Eigenschaften und Ausbaugrenzen
HiPath 3000 systems hardware architecture
The hardware architecture of HiPath 3000 systems family consists of housings intended both for wall mounting (HiPath 3x50) and 19" rack mounting (HiPath 3x00) scenarios, the following hardware variants (models) are so available:
- System designed for standalone installation and for installation inside 19" rack cabinets:
- HiPath 3800 (completely new hardware released with HiPath 3000 V5.0)
- Systems designed for wall mounting:
- HiPath 3350 (newly engineered mainboards since the release of HiPath 3000 V5.0 systems)
- HiPath 3550 / HiPath 3500 (both with newly engineered mainboards since the release of HiPath 3000 V5.0 systems)
- Systems designed for 19" rack cabinets mounting:
- HiPath 3300
- HiPath 3500
HiPath 3800
The HiPath 3800 is the hardware platform that replaces previous HiPath 3700 and HiPath 3750 models, the HiPath 3800 is thus supported since the release of HiPath 3000 V5.0 system software and it offers the full scope of services of HiPath 3000 V7 systems.
The HiPath 3800 admits two configurations only; depending on the requirements, the HiPath 3800 can be used as:
- a Single-cabinet system: BC (Basic Cabinet)
- a Double-cabinet system: BC + EC (Basic Cabinet plus an Expansion Cabinet)
The Basic Cabinet (BC) has 9 slots and the Expansion Cabinet (EC) has 13 slots for peripheral boards.
The CBSAP board (Central Board Synergy Access Platform) performs all central control and switching functions of HiPath 3800 and it is assigned to a fixed slot on the BC (Slot 6)
Depending on your requirements, up to 3 LUNA2 power supply units can be used in the BC and up to 4 in the EC.
Peripheral devices can be connected to the HiPath 3800 in a number of different ways:
- SIVAPAC connectors are available on the HiPath 3800 backplane for connecting the external main distribution frame MDFU-E using CABLUs (prefabricated cabling units) or to connect external patch panels.
- Connector panels with RJ45 jacks for connecting the peripheral device directly.
- Connector panels with CHAMP jacks for connecting the peripheral device directly (USA only).
- Connector panels with SIPAC 1 SU connectors for connecting the external main distribution frame MDFU-E or external patch panels using CABLUs.
Installation options:
The HiPath 3800 hardware can be installed either in a 19" rack cabinet (BC or BC plus EC) or as a standalone system.